Column Name | Data Type | Description |
TABSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Stores the schema name on which the database object is defined |
TABNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Stores the name of the database object, such as table, view, nickname, or an alias |
TYPE | CHAR(1) | Identifies the database object as a table, view, alias, or a nickname (The type value 'T' means table; 'V' means view; 'N' means nickname; and 'A' means alias.) |
COLCOUNT | SMALLINT | Number of columns in the table or view |
KEYCOLUMNS | SMALLINT | Number of columns that constitute the primary key |
KEYINDEXID | SMALLINT | Index ID for the primary key |
KEYUNIQUE | SMALLINT | Number of unique constraints in the table or view |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
VIEWSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Schema name for the view |
VIEWNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the view |
DEFINER | VARCHAR(128) | User who created the view |
VIEWCHECK | CHAR(1) | Type of view checking defined for this view: |
READONLY | CHAR(1) | Defines whether the view is read only or not: |
VALID | CHAR(1) | Determines the validity of the view: |
TEXT | CLOB(64K) | DDL text for view |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
INDSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the schema on which the index is defined |
INDNAME | VARCHAR(18) | Index name |
DEFINER | VARCHAR(128) | User who created the index |
TABSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Stores the schema name of the table on which the index is defined |
TABNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Stores the name of the table for which index is defined |
COLNAMES | VARCHAR(640) | List of columns in the index |
UNIQUERULE | CHAR(1) | Determines whether the index is unique or not: |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
TRIGSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the schema on which the trigger is defined |
TRIGNAME | VARCHAR(18) | Trigger name |
DEFINER | VARCHAR(128) | User who created the index |
TABSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Stores the schema name of the table for which the trigger is defined |
TABNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Name of table for which the trigger is defined |
TRIGEVENET | CHAR(1) | Event for which the trigger is defined: |
GRANULARITY | CHAR(1) | Determines whether the trigger is executed per statement or per row: |
TEXT | CLOB(64K) | Full text of the trigger statement |